Engage 100 Experience Application: Submission #41

Submission information
Submission Number: 41
Submission ID: 201
Submission UUID: 19066b99-0a02-4e8c-8e65-e96b726954f9

Created: Wed, 01/31/2024 - 10:16 AM
Completed: Wed, 01/31/2024 - 10:16 AM
Changed: Wed, 03/20/2024 - 06:39 PM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
serial: '41'
sid: '201'
uuid: 19066b99-0a02-4e8c-8e65-e96b726954f9
uri: /engage-100-experience-application
created: '1706714199'
completed: '1706714199'
changed: '1710974343'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: ''
uid: '0'
langcode: en
webform_id: experience_application
entity_type: node
entity_id: '21'
locked: '0'
sticky: '0'
notes: ''
    - 'Students will know where to find engagement activities well beyond their first term of enrollment and intentionally select engagement activities that aligns with their interests'
    - 'Students will gain skills to find new communities as their identities develop'
    - 'Students will develop personal, social and professional awareness'
    - 'Students will be able to assess how their engagement activity aligns with their academic and personal goals'
    - Evaluations
  which_category_would_this_program_fall_into_: {  }
  in_which_semester_s_will_this_course_be_offered_: {  }
  approved: '0'
  department: 'Academic Center for Excellence (ACE)'
  description_of_experience_for_review_: 'Led by a mentor team of three, this semester-long class will hold eight in-class meetings and six out-of-class mentor-mentee meetings. The peer mentor team will facilitate in-class discussions on the topics outlined for the course. Mentors will begin the course with an activity that encourages students to interact with and learn more about one another. The goal of this activity is to identify commonalities and interests. Next, mentors will discuss STEM identity development. Having a strong STEM identity is the leading predictor of successful post-graduate careers in STEM.  This is particularly true for women and underrepresented students. As such, students will select a STEM role model of their choice and create a biographical sketch of that person. Selected bio-sketches will be presented on the final day of the course. Mentors will introduce the principles and practices of time management and students will create a weekly study schedule to manage their study time and other commitments. Study strategies and tools for test preparation will be discussed and handouts with strategies will be provided. Students will then have an introduction to academic support resources such as the ACE learning studio, Dirac libraries, and Help centers. Students will learn about research and internship opportunities. We are planning to have the Career Center STEM liaison discuss career trajectories and resume building. During alternating weeks, enrolled students will meet with their assigned mentor from the STEM peer mentor team to discuss a variety of topics such as academic issues, STEM career goals, daily challenges, campus involvement, and more.'
  description_of_experience_for_students_: 'Students will actively engage with STEM peer mentors inside and outside of the classroom. Peer mentors will draw on their own experiences to facilitate class discussions and activities on topics such as time management, study skills and test preparation for STEM courses, academic support, experiential learning, and STEM career pathways. Students enrolled in the course will also meet bi-weekly with a peer mentor either in person or virtually to discuss a variety of topics such as academic issues, STEM career goals, campus involvement, daily challenges, and more. Students will begin establishing a STEM identity through a search for STEM role models. As a final project, the student will select a role model, create a biographical sketch, and if selected, present their role model during the final class meeting.'
  email: pgolay@fsu.edu
  experience_contact_email_for_students_: pgolay@fsu.edu
  experience_contact_for_students_: 'Dr. Patricia Golay'
  experience_link_for_students_: ''
  first_name: Patricia
  how_does_your_experience_meet_your_selected_objectives_: |
    1. This will happen through in-class and out-of-class discussions on experiential learning, campus involvement, and the required enrichment excursion.
    2. Self-directed learning and exploration will be encouraged as a way to find new communities as their identities develop. The Collaborating with Colleagues activity also lends itself to developing skills to find new communities and foster peer relationships.
    3. This experience will help students develop personal, professional, and/or social awareness through course content addressing STEM Identity development, STEM career pathways, experiential learning, and topics discussed during mentor-mentee meetings.
    4. This experience will help establish and/or strengthen students' academic goals by addressing time management, study skills, strategies for test preparation, help-seeking, and academic support. Utilizing the Weekly Study schedule, students should increase study time, possibly form study groups or find study partners, and use all available support services. Exposure to career information and co-curricular activities will also help students clarify their academic goals.
  how_many_anticipated_class_meetings_per_semester_: 'eight in-class meetings and six out-of-class mentor - mentee meetings '
  how_will_you_be_utilizing_a_mentor_for_this_experience_: 'Our plan is to have three mentors facilitating discussion on course topics and activities in rotation. Each mentor will have an opportunity to teach content and guide students through course activities. Mentors will also be required to meet with their designated students for at least 1 hour per week either virtually or in-person, documenting their interaction including dates, times, and discussion topics.'
  if_proposed_experience_is_an_existing_course_please_provide_cour: ''
  last_name: Golay
  phone: 850-645-8394
  photo_for_experience: ''
  purposed_engage_100_experience_is_an_existing_fsu_course: '0'
  syllabus_upload: ''
  title: 'Teaching Faculty'
  title_of_the_proposed_engage_100_experience: 'STEM Peer Support For Academic Success'
  what_is_your_anticipated_enrollment_per_section_: ''
  who_is_the_primary_leader_of_the_proposed_engage_100_experience_: 'Undergraduate Peer/Mentors'