Engage 100 Experience Application: Submission #12

Submission information
Submission Number: 12
Submission ID: 56
Submission UUID: d1b9fea5-0688-45ce-93f7-a7bcb7a76305

Created: Tue, 01/30/2024 - 10:52 AM
Completed: Tue, 01/30/2024 - 10:52 AM
Changed: Wed, 03/20/2024 - 06:28 PM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

Flagged: Yes
First Name: Robin
Last Name: Smith
Department: FSU-Teach
Title: Associate Director
Email: smith@bio.fsu.edu
Phone: 5-8927
Title of the Proposed Engage 100 Experience: SMT 1043:  Inquiry Approaches to Teaching (Fall and Spring)
Description of Experience (for Students):
SMT 1043, Inquiry Approaches to Teaching, invites students to explore teaching as a career at no cost. In the course, students teach science or math lessons in elementary classrooms to obtain firsthand experience with planning and implementing inquiry-based curriculum. Students, working alone or in pairs, teach two hands-on science or mathematics lessons (chosen from National Science Foundation–developed modules) in a local elementary school. 
To enroll, search for SMT 1043 in Schedule Assistant.

Description of Experience (for Review):

Experience Contact (for Students): Robin Smith
Experience Contact Email (for Students): smith@bio.fsu.edu
Experience Link (for Students): www.fsu-teach.fsu.edu
Who is the primary leader of the proposed Engage 100 experience? : Faculty
How will you be utilizing a mentor for this experience?:

How many anticipated meetings per semester?: 14-15
Proposed Engage 100 Experience is an existing FSU course: Yes
If proposed experience is an existing course, please provide course number.: SMT1043
What is your anticipated enrollment per section?: {Empty}
Please indicate which of the Engage 100 objectives your proposed experience meets: Students will join a formal community and form meaningful peer relationships, Students will develop personal, social and professional awareness, Students will be able to assess how their engagement activity aligns with their academic and personal goals
Please outline how your experience will meet your selected objectives?:
1.  Students who take SMT 1043 will also be a member of the recognized student organization, WeTEACH (We Take Education and Content Higher), whose members provide peer mentoring (under supervision of the Master teacher) in planning and practicing for the lesson taught in the school classroom.  WeTeach peer mentors attend the course to provide feedback, support, and a living example of the dispositions required to be a successful, highly effective secondary teacher. The peer leaders coordinate WeTEACH members also plan and take part in civic engagement activities on campus and in the local school district. For example, WeTEACH members regularly tutor local students in math and science, judge in school and district science fairs, carry out demonstrations at science and math fun days, and interact with the public at STEM festivals.
2.  Firsthand experience with planning and implementing inquiry-based curriculum. The classroom fieldwork is supplemented with three observations during which FSU-Teach students observe exemplary classroom mentor teachers.
3.  The mentor teacher completes one evaluation per team of FSU-Teach students for each lesson they teach. The FSU Master teachers evaluate and comment on FSU-Teach students’ lesson plans, requiring rewrites as necessary. Peer mentors also observe practice teaching and provide feedback on the lesson. Master teachers also observe and evaluate each team of students during one of their field lessons.  Grading is based on attendance, class participation, professionalism (dress code, communication, collegiality, reliability) reflections, and other in-class activities.

How will your program/college/department evaluate the effectiveness of this Engage 100 initiative?: Surveys, Evaluations, Retention
Photo for Experience: https://engage100.fsu.edu/system/files/webform/experience_application/56/FSU%20Teach.jpg
Syllabus Upload: {Empty}
Approved: Yes
Which category would this program fall into?: Academic/Major Based
In which semester(s) will this course be offered?: Fall, Spring