Engage 100 Experience Application: Submission #13

Submission information
Submission Number: 13
Submission ID: 61
Submission UUID: 10578ce1-9961-479f-b680-d1f62987e332

Created: Tue, 01/30/2024 - 11:04 AM
Completed: Tue, 01/30/2024 - 11:04 AM
Changed: Tue, 01/30/2024 - 11:04 AM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
serial: '13'
sid: '61'
uuid: 10578ce1-9961-479f-b680-d1f62987e332
uri: /engage-100-experience-application
created: '1706630683'
completed: '1706630683'
changed: '1706630683'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: ''
uid: '0'
langcode: en
webform_id: experience_application
entity_type: node
entity_id: '21'
locked: '0'
sticky: '0'
notes: ''
    - 'Students will know where to find engagement activities well beyond their first term of enrollment and intentionally select engagement activities that aligns with their interests'
    - 'Students will join a formal community and form meaningful peer relationships'
    - 'Students will gain skills to find new communities as their identities develop'
    - 'Students will develop personal, social and professional awareness'
    - 'Students will be able to assess how their engagement activity aligns with their academic and personal goals'
    - Evaluations
    - Retention
    - Other
  which_category_would_this_program_fall_into_: {  }
    - Fall
  approved: '0'
  department: CRE
  description_of_experience_for_review_: ''
  description_of_experience_for_students_: |-
    ''Using Your Gap Year to Make the Most of Your Undergraduate Experience'' is a class crafted specifically for matriculating first-year, undergraduate students after completing a Gap Year experience before coming to Florida State University. The class itself is designed to give you the opportunity to reflect on your Gap Year Experience, provide you a set of experiences that will introduce you to the academic culture at the Florida State University, and combine this knowledge to make a plan to get the most out of your undergraduate experience. The objectives for this course are as follows: 
    -Allow students to reflect on their Gap Year Experience from the past 12 month 
    -Allow students to reflect on their in-class and out-of-class experiences during their first semester  
    -Focus on facilitating student matriculation:  
         -Students discover different ways to become socially engaged on FSU’s campus 
         -Students discover different ways to become academically engaged on FSU’s campus  
    -Allow students to use their reflections on their Gap Year and first semester to set goals and plan for the remainder of undergraduate experience

    To enroll, contact Warren Oliver at boliver@fsu.edu
  email: boliver@fsu.edu
  experience_contact_email_for_students_: boliver@fsu.edu
  experience_contact_for_students_: 'Warren Oliver '
  experience_link_for_students_: 'Gap Year to College Tips (from National Gap Year Association): https://www.gapyearassociation.org/ga'
  first_name: Benjamin
  how_does_your_experience_meet_your_selected_objectives_: |-
    1.  Coming off of their Gap Year, students will have a set of interests which they have pursued extracurricularly for the previous 6-12 months. We will discuss these interests and use them to look for the best engagement opportunities that meet students' pre-matriculation interests.
    2.  The central focus of this class is to facilitate the matriculation of FSU first-year students who have completed a Gap Year before coming to FSU. Thus, by creating a cohort and allowing students to use a shared experience to prepare them for academic and social engagement on campus, this course encourages students to form peer relationships and seek out engagement activities with the wider campus community.
    3. By focusing on matriculation, students will be taught about the resources for possible engagement on campus. Students will be required to then use these resources to find engagement opportunities (both academic and social) and report on such experiences. In this way, students are prompted to seek out new communities to ''find their people''.
    4. Students will be pushed to learn how to contextualize and frame their Gap Year Experience, both socially and professionally. This will involve developing a CV as well as exploring different types of engagement (Global, Academic, Professional, ect). In this way, they will learn how to relate their interests and experiences to best evaluate how they can get the most from their undergraduate experience.
    5. The end result of this class is to develop an academic and engagement plans for the rest of the semester. These particular plans are derived from their Gap Year experience (an expression of their extra-curricular interests), and thus are intended to link student interest with their opportunities as an FSU student academically and socially. Thus, this experience will teach them not only how to succeed in classes, but how to identify relevant course work to their interests.
  how_many_anticipated_class_meetings_per_semester_: '14'
  how_will_you_be_utilizing_a_mentor_for_this_experience_: ''
  if_proposed_experience_is_an_existing_course_please_provide_cour: ''
  last_name: Oliver
  phone: (850)508-5681
  photo_for_experience: ''
  purposed_engage_100_experience_is_an_existing_fsu_course: '0'
  title: 'Associate Director'
  title_of_the_proposed_engage_100_experience: 'Using your Gap Year to Make the Most of Your Undergraduate Experience (Fall only)'
  what_is_your_anticipated_enrollment_per_section_: ''
  who_is_the_primary_leader_of_the_proposed_engage_100_experience_: Faculty