Engage 100 Experience Application: Submission #31

Submission information
Submission Number: 31
Submission ID: 151
Submission UUID: 26d24e15-4ed1-43ac-a5aa-de4046d41b15

Created: Tue, 01/30/2024 - 01:24 PM
Completed: Tue, 01/30/2024 - 01:25 PM
Changed: Wed, 03/20/2024 - 06:39 PM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
First Name Samantha
Last Name Tackett, Ph.D.
Department Academic Center for Excellence, UGS
Title Faculty
Email stackett@fsu.edu
Phone 8506454047
Title of the Proposed Engage 100 Experience Your Transition to College: From Surviving to Thriving! (Summer only)
Description of Experience (for Students) This course is designed with one objective in mind: your successful navigation through potentially bumpy roads, unexpected roadblocks, and safe detours in transition to your college lifestyle, relationships, academics, and campus home. Within this 6-week course we’ll experience personal reflection and campus-focused activities, practice strategies for effective and time-saving study-skills, and role-play scenarios for first-year situations like communicating with your professors. By the end of this course, you will have a well-prepared and versatile roadmap to guide your first-year journey at FSU.

To enroll, search for IDS 1107 in Schedule Assistant, then choose the section for "From Surviving to Thriving" (SUMMER B only).
Description of Experience (for Review) This 1-credit hour course is focused on introducing and practicing knowledge, skills, and self-understanding to support students as they transition to their college lifestyle, academic requirements, and campus home. The course structure is a series of active, engaging, small group in-class activities and personal exploratory, discovery, and/or reflective campus-based activities outside of the class sessions.
Experience Contact (for Students) Dr. Samantha Tackett
Experience Contact Email (for Students) stackett@fsu.edu
Experience Link (for Students) Canvas course site
Who is the primary leader of the proposed Engage 100 experience? Faculty
How will you be utilizing a mentor for this experience? The peer mentors for this course were actively involved with designing the content and activities for this experience. Chris Jafet and Henry Noy are highly experienced (2+ years), undergraduate study skills tutors at ACE and excited about the opportunity to support others’ college transition experience. They have planned to be active in every session of the Summer B course schedule by leading content presentations, discussions, and activities; providing assignment and activity feedback; and serving as a campus resource for students enrolled in the Engage 100 course.
How many anticipated meetings per semester? 6 Sessions, 1 per week of the Summer B term
Proposed Engage 100 Experience is an existing FSU course No
If proposed experience is an existing course, please provide course number. IDS1107
What is your anticipated enrollment per section?
Please indicate which of the Engage 100 objectives your proposed experience meets Students will know where to find engagement activities well beyond their first term of enrollment and intentionally select engagement activities that aligns with their interests, Students will gain skills to find new communities as their identities develop, Students will develop personal, social and professional awareness, Students will be able to assess how their engagement activity aligns with their academic and personal goals
Please outline how your experience will meet your selected objectives? 1. By participating in 4 separate activities that either emphasize or incorporate knowledge of campus resources relevant to their personal interests, social involvement, and academic engagement.
2. By participating in 4 separate activities that either emphasize or incorporate knowledge of campus resources relevant to their personal interests, social involvement, and academic engagement. Two assignments emphasize small group discussions about campus resources that are relevant to personal interests, social involvement, and academic engagement. In the campus scavenger hunt, the instructions encourage classmates to explore campus together as they complete the activity.
3. Three of the assignments include personal reflection, self-awareness activity, and/or planning strategies to productively cope with personal stressors.
4. Two of the activities require students engage in time management practice activities, goal and time use alignment, and drafting a plan for how to address future academic difficulties.
How will your program/college/department evaluate the effectiveness of this Engage 100 initiative? Surveys
Photo for Experience Peer Connect - Small Group Meeting.JPG
Syllabus Upload
Approved Yes
Which category would this program fall into? Academic/Major Based
In which semester(s) will this course be offered? Summer B