Engage 100 Experience Application: Submission #4

Submission information
Submission Number: 4
Submission ID: 16
Submission UUID: 04df374f-affd-482f-8dbe-7656681ed55d

Created: Tue, 01/30/2024 - 08:55 AM
Completed: Tue, 01/30/2024 - 08:55 AM
Changed: Wed, 01/31/2024 - 04:28 PM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

Flagged: Yes
serial: '4'
sid: '16'
uuid: 04df374f-affd-482f-8dbe-7656681ed55d
uri: /engage-100-experience-application
created: '1706622926'
completed: '1706622926'
changed: '1706736505'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: ''
uid: '0'
langcode: en
webform_id: experience_application
entity_type: node
entity_id: '21'
locked: '0'
sticky: '1'
notes: ''
    - 'Students will know where to find engagement activities well beyond their first term of enrollment and intentionally select engagement activities that aligns with their interests'
    - 'Students will join a formal community and form meaningful peer relationships'
    - 'Students will gain skills to find new communities as their identities develop'
    - 'Students will develop personal, social and professional awareness'
    - 'Students will be able to assess how their engagement activity aligns with their academic and personal goals'
    - 'Pre-test/Post-test '
    - Surveys
    - Retention
    - Application-Based
    - Fall
  approved: '1'
  description_of_experience_for_review_: ''
  description_of_experience_for_students_: |-
    Inquiry, investigation, and discovery are at the heart of Florida State's mission. Every faculty member is engaged in groundbreaking original scholarship, and as an undergraduate, you can join faculty in their work in laboratories, libraries, studios, and beyond. Imagine how you can connect your classroom learning and intellectual interests as you work with faculty members, Ph.D. students, and startup companies on research and creative projects.
    This experience is available through an application process.
    For more information, visit https://cre.fsu.edu/undergradresearch/urop
  email: alicia.batailles@fsu.edu
  experience_contact_email_for_students_: alicia.batailles@fsu.edu
  experience_contact_for_students_: 'Alicia Batailles'
  experience_link_for_students_: ''
  first_name: Alicia
  how_does_your_experience_meet_your_selected_objectives_: |-
    1. Research Assistant ship will help meet faculty and explore research in the area they choose.
    2. Small class sizes with peer instruction from and upperclassman in the same or similar major area.
    3. Peer Instruction in a small class setting. Faculty research collaboration on an individual or small group basis.
    4. Learning through the colloquium and assistant ship and going through the process of creating and presenting a professional poster based on their research.
    5. Going through the process of the assistant ship and presentation as well as having to network with faculty, the UROP Leader and other students.
  how_many_anticipated_class_meetings_per_semester_: ''
  how_will_you_be_utilizing_a_mentor_for_this_experience_: ''
  if_proposed_experience_is_an_existing_course_please_provide_cour: ''
  last_name: Batailles
  phone: 850-644-1842
  photo_for_experience: '226'
  purposed_engage_100_experience_is_an_existing_fsu_course: '0'
  syllabus_upload: ''
  title: 'Assistant Director'
  title_of_the_proposed_engage_100_experience: 'Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program'
  what_is_your_anticipated_enrollment_per_section_: ''
  who_is_the_primary_leader_of_the_proposed_engage_100_experience_: ''