Engage 100 Experience Application: Submission #16

Submission information
Submission Number: 16
Submission ID: 76
Submission UUID: b77c4409-0c11-42ea-974d-aeed136dcfbe

Created: Tue, 01/30/2024 - 11:43 AM
Completed: Tue, 01/30/2024 - 11:43 AM
Changed: Wed, 03/20/2024 - 06:27 PM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

Flagged: Yes
serial: '16'
sid: '76'
uuid: b77c4409-0c11-42ea-974d-aeed136dcfbe
uri: /engage-100-experience-application
created: '1706633026'
completed: '1706633026'
changed: '1710973645'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: ''
uid: '0'
langcode: en
webform_id: experience_application
entity_type: node
entity_id: '21'
locked: '0'
sticky: '1'
notes: ''
    - 'Students will gain skills to find new communities as their identities develop'
    - 'Students will develop personal, social and professional awareness'
    - 'Students will be able to assess how their engagement activity aligns with their academic and personal goals'
    - Evaluations
    - 'Interest Based'
    - Fall
  approved: '1'
  department: 'University Housing'
  description_of_experience_for_review_: ''
  description_of_experience_for_students_: |-
    This course invites residential students new to FSU’s campus to explore strategies for success in the areas of respect, wellness, scholarship, and connection.  Through group discussion, workshops, and meaningful experiences, students will formulate personal wellness goals, develop social and campus connections, understand their personal impact on community, enhance their academics through building better study skills, and recognize the influence of social identities and their role in communities. The course will lead to a better transition into FSU and set the course to success. 
    Successful completion of this course will allow students to: 
    •	Discover pathways to environmental, physical, emotional, and financial well being
    •	Identify strategies to enhance academics and career readiness 
    •	Develop their identity as active community members 
    •	Demonstrate responsibility and mindfulness when engaging their communities
    To enroll, search for IDS 1107 in Schedule Assistant, then choose the section for "Housing".
  email: ssheldon@fsu.edu
  experience_contact_email_for_students_: sftillman@fsu.edu
  experience_contact_for_students_: 'Stephanie Tillman '
  experience_link_for_students_: 'https://housing.fsu.edu/'
  first_name: Sarah
  how_does_your_experience_meet_your_selected_objectives_: |-
    1.  Course encompasses a number of reflection activities that deepen a student's sense of self including but not limited to personality assessments, wellness goals, involvement plans, and a cycle of socialization timeline.
    2.  Course encompasses a number of reflection activities that deepen a student's sense of self including but not limited to personality assessments, wellness goals, involvement plans, and a cycle of socialization timeline.
    3. The course will require a number of reflection activities that will align their level of engagement and course activities with student's sense of self.
  how_many_anticipated_class_meetings_per_semester_: biweekly
  how_will_you_be_utilizing_a_mentor_for_this_experience_: ''
  if_proposed_experience_is_an_existing_course_please_provide_cour: IDS1107
  last_name: Sheldon
  phone: 850-645-0969
  photo_for_experience: ''
  purposed_engage_100_experience_is_an_existing_fsu_course: '0'
  syllabus_upload: ''
  title: 'Assistant Director for Learning and Engagement'
  title_of_the_proposed_engage_100_experience: 'Housing - Community and College Life: The Florida State Experience (Fall only)'
  what_is_your_anticipated_enrollment_per_section_: ''
  who_is_the_primary_leader_of_the_proposed_engage_100_experience_: 'Undergraduate Peer/Mentors'